Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Perfect Way To Start Your Day!

What's the best way to get your morning started and set the tone for the day? Why, taking a good old-fashioned tumble down the stairs! Who needs a nutritious breakfast or a cup of joe when you can just fly gracelessly through the air and land on your ass?
The past few mornings have been frosty, so this morning when I got up I decided that my first order of business would be to check out what the weather was like and, if necessary, start up the car so that it would be defrosted by the time I finished showering and getting dressed.
Three stairs away from the bottom I apparently stepped on an invisible banana peel and my feet went completely out from under me, causing me to bang my arm against the railing, and land butt-first on the floor.
So that was fun.
The worst part was that it was all a waste of time; it was considerably warmer today than it has been, so there was no frost on the car.

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