Saturday, December 16, 2006

This One I Can Answer

Okay, I've seen a lot of weird search strings that have brought people here.
One of the main searches that brings people here is asking whether or not Giada De Laurentis is pregnant, which I don't know.
However, I recently got a hit from someone wondering whether or not Giada is a dwarf.
That was a "Wha-huh?" moment for me.
It is, however, a question that, unlike the pregnancy one, I can actually answer, as I've seen her in person.
No, she is not a dwarf.
I can't even imagine why anyone might think that she possibly could be, but even so, the answer remains no, she isn't.
To get back to the pregnancy, thing, though, I will share everything - as little as that is - that I know about it.
Several months ago I saw some new episodes of Everyday Italian. In one of them Giada appeared to be wearing a maternity outfit.
The episodes that are airing now seem to be reruns of those episodes that were new several months ago, by the way.
Bear in mind that this was several months ago, and as I learned while listening to her speak at the National Book Festival, production of the show is done in blocks twice a year.
So the new episodes I saw months ago were probably filmed a few months before that, so if she was pregnant at that time, odds are she's had the baby by now.
Further, when she appeared on Iron Chef America recently - which was filmed much more recently than the episode in which I thought she might be wearing a maternity top - she appeared as slender as usual. So again, if she was pregnant, she probably isn't now.
And that's all I can tell you.

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