Sunday, November 26, 2006

Well, Okay, Maybe A Couple Sexy Vacation Pictures

Yesterday Brian asked me to come over to the fire station tonight to be the videographer for his duty crew.
Even though I had a big night of sitting around watching TV planned, I agreed.
I hung out for a little over 3 and a half hours and my presence served as, depending upon your perspective, either a good luck charm or a bad luck charm, in that their 36+ hour streak of not getting any calls continued the whole time I was there.
The pulse-pounding ride over to a nearby restaurant for dinner and the white-knuckled ride over to the old station to put together a sign for the upcoming spine-tingling pancake breakfast didn't quite warrant video coverage, but I did take a few (sexy) pictures to immortalize the evening.
Enjoy the sexiness!

Check out this sexy bald beast. Does the carpet match the drapes? Only his stylist knows for sure.

Look out, ladies; I'm too hot for even the fire department to handle!

Here we see an example of their high-tech, state-of-the-art firefighting equipment.

Upstairs at the old station Brian took me through a time warp and we travelled back to a simpler time, a time of neon, big hair, and workout outfits. A time when there probably weren't any chicks in the fire company. This seriously seemed like making a visit to my brother's dorm room in the mid-80s.

All snarky, smart-ass comments aside, despite the lack of action it was interesting to have an inside look at this aspect of Brian's life and the inner workings of a volunteer fire company. With any luck, half the city burst into flames shortly after I left and the crew got plenty of excitement. Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nah, you didnt miss anything. 1 call after you left for a fire alarm at Ida Lee. That was it. Oh, and Anthony still trying to play that game on his computer.