Monday, November 27, 2006


Along with following online tutorials, one of the things I've been doing to fill up my artistic bag of tricks has been to start building some custom brushes and patterns.
For example, last week I got wise and made a fishnet pattern, and I also created a "JP" brush to make adding my signature a little easier.
Today I made a new brush that amuses me greatly, and though there's exactly one person who reads this who will appreciate why it amuses me, I thought I'd share an example of some quick work done with my Kirby Krackle brush:

Being at the fire stations last night, and more specifically in the bays, reminded me of my time(however brief) as a garbageman, what with all of the exhaust fumes from the trucks. Add in some maggots and the always-present underlying smell of rot and it would have been like old home week.
Speaking of garbage, apart from following some tutorials and creating the above-mentioned brush, the only thing I've done today was haul out some garbage
I was going to do my standard Monday morning grocery shopping, but decided that could wait until Tuesday morning.
Oh yeah, I did do one other thing, inspired by one of the tutorials: I designed a new T-shirt and put it up on Zazzle.
Here's the image I designed for it:

As you can see, it's the perfect holiday stocking stuffer, so follow the link to Zazzle over on the right and buy a bunch of them.

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