Monday, January 28, 2008

It Figures

Under normal circumstances I pretty much never get sick.
In five years at AOL I called in exactly three times, and only one of those time was for any sort of ailment (a painful abcessed tooth that kept me up all night). The other two times were when I was in a car accident and then when I had to go home when my dad was dying.
In any case, somewhere along the line I apparently caught a cold, and said cold got into my eyes via my contacts, giving me an infection in both eyes.
So after struggling to work while feeling like someone was sticking hot needles in my eyes for about half the day I came home and eventually had Kathleen take me to urgent care (in addition to the eye problem I had a fever, my head was pounding, and my nose was totally congested). So I'm off for two days and have three different drops that I have to put into my eyes and a cortical steroid to spray up my nose.
It figures that the one time I do actually get sick it happens so soon after starting a new job.
Anyway, one of the drops dilates my pupils, making my eyes even more sensitive to light than they already were, so writing this is painful and I will now stop.

1 comment:

Merlin T Wizard said...

Man, that sucks. Give me a call if you need anything. Stacy and I don't mind schlepping up to Leesburg to help out.