Thursday, December 27, 2007

We're Boned

I've been getting a lot of traffic from When Fangirls Attack! again, as there was a link posted to my Batman Night post, mostly, I'm assuming, due to my pictures (and accompanying captions) of my Black Canary statuette.
This inspired me to watch one of my favorite episodes of Justice League Unlimited, a Black Canary-centric episode entitled Grudge Match.
The basic premise of the episode is that Lex Luthor's team of villains, the Secret Society, has found a way to use Justice League comm links as mind control devices and is using them to make various female League members fight each other in an arena, making a tidy profit off of bets placed on the outcome of the matches.
The Huntress tumbles onto the scheme, and manages to free Black Canary from their control. The two heroines are promplty caught and thrown into the arena. Not to fight each other, but to instead fight two other powerful female Leaguers, Hawkgirl and Vixen. They manage to shake Vixen and Hawkgirl free of the control, but they're not out of the woods yet, as Roulette, the villainess behind the arena scheme, has an ace up her sleeve:

Vixen appears to be a woman after my own heart - I would say the exact same thing to Hawkgirl ("Keep her busy so I can take her from behind!").
My perviness aside, what I love most about this episode is when the four Leaguers see who they're up against and shrink back in the realization that they're boned.
(I also love an earlier scene in which Huntress is watching Canary, who is off her game due to the fact that, unbeknownst to her, when she's supposed to be sleeping she's actually off wailing on her teammates in the arena, is getting creamed by some thug she's trying to take down. Huntress steps in and takes him out with a garbage can lid. As Canary is securing him, Huntress asks, "What did he do, anyway?" Canary quietly replies, "He stole a wallet." Huntress' response is perfect. "Shut up! You got creamed by a pickpocket?")
The more observant among you may note the number of voices provided by actresses who appeared in some of Joss Whedon's projects, such as Angel's Amy Acker, who provides the voice of the Huntress.
You'll also note that Black Canary is lacking her trademark - and difficult to animate - fishnets.

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