Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Red Right Hand

Back when I was in high school, before I made whatever breakthrough it was that allowed me to draw women - something I had previously been unable to do - I spent a lot of time drawing things related to the music I listened to. This meant drawing a lot of heavy metal album covers, but it also meant, on occasion, drawing images inspired by the songs themselves.
Most of it wasn't especially good, but not much of what I did then was especially good anyway, so that's hardly suprising.
In the spirit of "Who's to say much has changed since then?" I submit to you this picture inspired by the Nick Cave song Red Right Hand.

Is it any good? I don't know, but at least it's something a little different from the usual portraiture/tutorial results, so you can't say that I don't change things up a little (even if I do so by going back to doing things that I used to do almost 20 years ago).

1 comment:

Merlin T Wizard said...

I'd say it's really good. You captured a sort of cynical/psycho expression on the face of this bloody-handed guy that is very intriguing. Plus, I'm sure the fact that he's in a trenchcoat made drawing this a lot easier than when you subject yourself to international male nudes, right?