Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pain In The Ass

The other day when I was checking my account balance I noticed an odd charge that didn't look familiar in my checking account balance.
Long story short, some jackass got ahold of my check card number.
So now I've had to have that card deactivated and have to wait a week to get a new one.
Pain in the ass.
At least the jackass in question didn't try anything too extravagant; he or she only spent $12.95 to buy a Web site template. Most likely to set up some kind of phishing site, I imagine. That it was a small amount is the only consolation, though I guess it's also cool that the company that sold it has already agreed to refund the money.
The money isn't the real issue, though.
The real issue is the inconvenience. Now I have to live on checks and my credit cards until I get my new card and PIN, I won't have any online access, and there are a couple of companies that bill my card automatically, so I have to go in and change all of that information once I have the new card.
The worst part is that my bank isn't going to go so far as to actually investigate it and figure out who did it, so whoever it was will get away with it.
Pain. In. The. Ass.

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