Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This Entry Is Deliberately Retarded

I was checking out some online tutorials to try to learn a few new tricks and techniques today, and one of them discussed the creation of star fields and nebulae.
I was playing around with it a little and realized that the end result of one attempt reminded me of something.
As a consequence of drawing pictures of celebrities I spend a fair amount of time looking for source images.
This means that I end up at a lot of fan sites.
I've found that a lot of the people who put up and maintain fan sites are also aspiring Web developers and graphic designers who have chosen to combine their interest in design with their interest in a particular celebrity.
The problem with this, especially in the case of the people who aspire to be artists, is that many of them aren't as good at creating things as they are at obsessing over the lives of famous people.
Even so, they try with all of their might to create something worthwhile.
The most common items I've seen created as a result of this attempt at synergy are desktop wallpapers featuring the obsession of choice.
Invariably, no matter who the celeb in question is, or who the fan artist happens to be, the end result is generally pretty much the same.
And that was what I was reminded of when I'd created my little star field: it looked exactly like the sort of star fields that are the backdrop to a good 55% of the fan-made celebrity desktop wallpapers out there.
After realizing that I felt kind of retarded. I mean, this star field I'd made was the equivalent of putting a "page curl" on a Web page circa 1997. This was the sort of thing that clueless retards think looks cool but which really looks tacky and dated.
So I thought, "In for Borderline Retardation, in for Profound Retardation," and in the spirit of artistically challenged wallpaper creators everywhere, I decided to make my own retarded desktop wallpaper.
Check it out here.
I have to say that it's pretty retarded, though the sad thing is that while I made it retarded on purpose there are lots of wallpapers out there that are much, much more retarded and they weren't intended to be so.
Now, I've been pretty mean to some of the fans out there who engage in a lot of hard work putting up and maintaining sites that I frequently leech material from, and I really shouldn't be so mean to them.
But I am anyway.

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