Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I Could Make A Comment About An 8th Dwarf Named "Horny," But I Won't

Earlier today I finished a picture of actress Michelle Trachtenberg dressed up as a rather sexy Snow White for Halloween, then this evening she was actually on an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

Along with forgetfulness, gray hair, and increased gasiness, one of the consequences of getting older is that you end up seeing young girls grow up into young women. Sometimes, as in this case, sexy young women.
It's kind of disturbing. I mean, it would be bad enough that I think that Michelle Trachtenberg is hot if I simply remembered her from Harriet the Spy, but it's worse because I remember her from even earlier on The Adventures of Pete + Pete when she was even younger and I was already a college graduate.
The whole thing sort of reminds me of an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, on which Michelle played Buffy's younger sister Dawn. In it, we see Buffy and her friends Willow and Xander enjoying an evening out at a local club. Xander spots some sexy young thing shaking it on the dance floor and says something along the lines of "Daddy likes." The sexy dancer turns around and is revealed to be Dawn. Xander, who's in his 20s, whereas Dawn is only 15 or 16, freaks out and says, "Ahhh! Daddy doesn't like! Daddy doesn't like!"
(The best part is when Willow, a lesbian, leans over and says to him, "Right there with you.")
That scene, I suppose, says a lot about the nature of sexuality and transformation from girl to woman, but my point is that when I look at the adult Michelle Trachtenberg and find myself attracted to her I can't help but feel disconcerted as I remember the child.
I suppose that actually adds another element to the whole thing, a sort of taboo edge, something that I think speaks to every male. After all, the "schoolgirl" look is pretty universally accepted as being sexy, and even in this picture Michelle is working the "little girl" aspect with her coy pose. Consider the initial appeal of Britney Spears and the other "Pop Tarts." Clearly the image of the sexually precocious child is a powerful archetype.
In any case, the point is that while I find the woman she's grown up to be attractive, I remember the little girl she used to be, and I suppose that's just, as I said, a consequence of getting older.
Oh well.
In any case, the Snow White imagery made me think of the wonderful comic book Fables, and so I felt inspired to experiment a little and depart from my usual style in another attempt at creating something in a comic book style, something similar to the work of Adam Hughes.
Overall I'm pleased with it, but there's still a lot of room for improvement.
I have other versions of this file that I might experiment with (though I might not), so don't be surprised if you see variations on this image posted in the future (and don't be surprised if you don't).

1 comment:

Merlin T Wizard said...

Very nice, Jon! It looks like her cape and bodice would have been especially challengine. I can see the hints of AH! in there, too.