The other night I had an odd dream that, in 1983, at the age of 11, I met Alan Moore while attending a screening of a movie adaptation of V for Vendetta.
The least odd thing about that is the fact that in 1983 V was still unfinished, and, of course, the movie adaptation was 23 years in the future.
Would I have known who Moore was at that time? Yes, from his work on Swamp Thing – which actually marked the first time I cared enough about a comic book to bother taking note of who wrote it – and a few other things, and I would have held him in a certain amount of awe, but with Watchmen still several years in the future, I wouldn’t have been at the level of hero-worship I would be if I were to meet him now.
In any case, there I was at this movie – which really had nothing to do with the book and could only speculate as to how the story actually ended, given that Moore hadn’t finished it yet – which was being screened in England.
That Moore was actually bothering to attend this screening is, again, one of the less odd and unlikely elements of the dream, as is the fact that he was apparently married to Rachel Weisz, though Weisz as she is now, not as she would have been then (she would have been, I think, all of 12 years old).
And there I was, in England, 11 years old, alone, uncertain even in the dream as to how I’d gotten there, seeing a movie that wouldn’t be made for another 23 years and afterwards standing around having a conversation with the author of the book upon which it was based and finding that he had actually rather taken a shine to me and was talking to me as if he considered me a peer.
Me, an 11 year old.
Well, I guess it isn’t any less likely than him considering me a peer as a 33 year old.
On the topic of authors – of a very different kind and caliber – that I have actually spoken with (however briefly), Giada de Laurentis, I discovered, has released a new cookbook.
Sadly, it’s not titled The Crazy Hot Italian Cookbook.
I discovered the new cookbook while checking out Amazon’s listing for The Alphabet of Manliness by Maddox.
If you don’t know who Maddox is, you definitely need to head over to The Best Page in the Universe.
Hmm…while at Amazon I just learned that in June there will also be a third and final DVD volume of Superman: The Animated Series. I had thought the two sets I had completed the series, but looking at the contents of Volume 3 I realize how wrong I was. Some of the best episodes will be on there. *Sigh* Something else to buy…
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