This morning someone was scheduled to come in and check the Freon levels for my A/C sometime between 8 and noon.
He showed up sometime around 11.
The funny thing was he sounded almost exactly like Lawrence from Office Space (“Hey Peter man, I’m here to check your Freon!”).
He turned on the A/C and headed for the door and said he’d be back in a little while.
It had already been a bit chilly in here, but that was made worse by the fact that he’d set the A/C to 63. My teeth were beginning to chatter by the time he finally came back up and said I could shut it off.
After he left I sat around for several hours intending to get dressed and go for a walk, but somehow failing to manage to do so. Most of that time was spent sitting at the computer reading old Threshold entries. I’d gotten sucked into doing that by checking out the site hits and seeing where various Web searches (for things other than the usual) had led people.
Eventually, though, I did actually get my lazy ass moving and walk a couple of miles, though by that time school was letting out so the trails were overrun with kids, which made me cut things short and head home.
The new season of The Surreal Life is in full-swing on VH-1 with a very interesting cast.
I find myself more than a little troubled by the fact that I’m liking – and identifying with – CC Deville of Poison, given that my history as a hardcore metalhead makes me honor-bound to hate him.
Honestly, though I do still hate Bon Jovi with, if not every fiber of my being, at least the majority, for the most part over the years I’ve come to feel sort of sorry and bitterly amused by the hair bands that I so despised in my youth, and with CC’s struggles with his newfound sobriety, I can’t help but relate.
On a different note, anyone who’s ever read Grant Morrison’s series The Invisibles should definitely check this season out, though, as watching Alexis Arquette in action is like seeing Lord Fanny brought to life.
The one thing that really stands out for me this season, though, is the size of Tawny Kitaen’s face. For the most part, she looks pretty good, and seems to be holding up reasonably well, but her face seems to have expanded somehow, giving it this sort of Rocky Dennis effect.
With cheeks and forehead expanding outward, consequently causing her eyes to look sunken, she’s taken on a rather leonine appearance.
Of late, with another damned birthday fast approaching, I’ve noticed something similar happening with my face, though on me it doesn’t look so much leonine as it does just plain puffy.
For the most part, for men, you really have only two options: rugged good looks or boyish good looks.
While I’m not so sure about the “good” part, I’ve definitely always gone the boyish route, though with the puffiness and the wrinkles now my face just looks like mush. My hair has gotten long enough that it’s doing that Monchichi thing again, adding to the overall roundness of my moon-shaped melon, so I suppose I need to get another haircut, which will just reveal even more gray, and is only temporarily eliminating the Monchichi effect, as my hair tends to grow pretty quickly.
On Wednesday I have to go to HQ for a company-mandated “diversity training.” That should be a blast.
At least Brian, Scott, and Kathleen are all taking it with me, so I won’t have to suffer alone.
I’ve dared Brian to ask, whenever we’re asked if we have any questions, to say, “Yeah, can’t we do something about all the Mexicans?”
I have my doubts that he’ll actually do it.
Honestly, though, I shouldn’t make a joke of it. Diversity training can’t help but come in handy at my job, where I, a white guy in his thirties, work with two other white guys in their thirties.
Yep, we’re a diverse group and as such we need to learn to be sensitive to each other’s differences, because if we haven’t learned to get along in the 3+ years we’ve all been working together, an eight hour class is bound to make all the difference.
To be slightly more serious, the biggest problem I foresee with the class is that it won’t teach us how to deal with the real diversity problems we face, like teaching us how to tactfully tell the WoW and EverQuest people to shut the hell up about she shit that nobody else cares about, or how to peacefully co-exist with the people at the other desks on the days when they’re hooting and hollering over some boring-ass football/basketball/baseball game.
In any case, I suppose I should probably crash.
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