However, as I was preparing to throw a roast into the slow cooker, I realized that I had neither vegetables nor any sort of appropriate seasonings for said roast, so I headed out to pick them up.
I went to Super Target tp get them, as I was hoping – in vain, as it turned out – that I might be able t figure out what to get Kathleen for her birthday on Monday while I was out. I’d asked Brian what I should get her, but he was no help. He mentioned that she’d left him a list of things to get her – she was out of town for work – and said, “There’s some kind of lipstick she wants. You can get her that.”
I’m thinking she’s going to have to settle for some kind of gift certificate.
Once I got home, I put the roast going in the slow cooker in an amazing demonstration of perfect timing, as it’s supposed to cook on Low for 8 hours and I managed to get it going exactly 8 hours from when I plan to eat it.
After that was taken care of I headed out for a walk.
I actually went a little crazy with the walking, traversing a little over six miles. I might have gone even further, but eventually my stomach started rumbling, so I figured I’d better turn around and head back before I ended up in Ashburn.
I took a few pictures along the way, and thought I would share them with you. Enjoy!

It’s Not At All Like Leaving Las Vegas
My aimless wandering actually took me clear out of Leesburg.

I saw this sign on my way back and thought, “But…Leesburg is in Loudoun County.”

And When There Was Only One Set Of Footprints I Was Carrying You
I saw this just randomly in a little clearing behind someone’s house. It’s kind of like stumbling across a Chick Tract. I guess you have to do something to try to save the walking/jogging/biking/horse riding crowd.
Sadly, I didn’t manage to get a picture of the most interesting sight of the day, which actually happened in the parking lot at Super Target.
I saw this extremely attractive young (I’d say early 20s) woman, with long, gorgeous hair taking advantage of today’s sun and warmth by wearing as little as possible.
I even caught a glimpse of her whale tail poking out over her tight, low-rise jeans.
While that was an interesting enough experience in and of itself, it was made more so by the incongruity of the fact that I saw said whale tail while she was bending forward to put the car seat on top of a cart as she transferred her baby from her mini-van.
Moms have changed a lot since my day.
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