Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Quick Plug For Michelle, Random Hydrants, Talking About The Weather, And It Seems Wrong To Put That In My Mouth

I woke up sometime before 8 this morning from a dream that had something to do with a comic book written by Grant Morrison.
I don’t remember any details beyond that, but I do remember thinking that there was no way in hell or, perhaps more importantly, in Leesburg that I was going to get up, so I managed to make myself sleep for another hour or so.
Sometime after 11 last night I found out that Michelle from You Can’t Make It Up was going to be on VH1 at 10.
I was very annoyed to find out when it was too late to watch it, but then I thought, “Hey, it’s VH1; they’ll have the show on like a dozen more times this week.” So I fired up the guide in Media Center and found that, in fact, it would be on again at 1 am. I set it to record and when I finally did get up this morning I sat down and watched it.
As a means of preparing viewers for a new season of “Celebreality,” VH1 aired a countdown of the 20 greatest Celebreality moments and Michelle was one of the commentators.
I was pleased to discover that she’s just as cute and funny in person (well, sort of in person) as I would have hoped.
If you missed VH1’s The Greatest 20 Celebreality Moments, check your local listings and watch Michelle in action.
After I finished that I headed out to do some grocery shopping, came home, ate lunch, and went for a short walk.
During my walk I noticed this:

Maybe they just really don't want you parking here.

I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for putting a fire hydrant in the middle of a swamp; I mean, it is just a few yards away from a major highway, but it still seems odd, and even though it is close to the highway it seems like it would be kind of difficult to access it in an emergency.
But whatever.
It’s a pretty nice day today, but not, as Scott would have it, unreasonably nice the way it was yesterday.
In fact, it’s a bout 30 degrees colder than yesterday. The fact that it’s still fairly nice today despite that difference should tell you just how nice yesterday really was.
Oh, and FYI, even though five (technically six) blades seems silly, excessive, and almost a parody of itself (years ago MAD TV did a great parody of multi-bladed razors – theirs had twenty blades – featuring a blade that reshapes your chin, another blade that travels through time, a blade that reshapes your chin some more, and the fifteenth blade starts the process all over again) , I have to say that the Mach 3 Fusion works really damned well. Possibly the best shave I’ve ever had.
As for the Sonicare toothbrush I bought yesterday, that also works very well, but feels kind of weird. I mean, it vibrates.
It’s not just spinning bristles like a regular electric toothbrush, you can actually feel your skull reverberating.
Still, like I said, it works, so I guess that’s the main thing, even though putting it in my mouth does make me feel kind of dirty even as it cleans my teeth.

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