Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A List That YOU Are On

I found a list of The 50 Most Loathsome People In America, 2005 over at a site called The BEAST: America's Best Fiend.
If you are easily offended by...well, anything, but in particular by any sort of bias that isn't yours, then I would not recommend reading it, especially if your bias is in line with the current administration.
But, if you are able to have some of your beliefs derided, and with a great deal of vitriol at that, or if you are, in fact, heaven forbid, a liberal, you might be interested in checking it out, if for no other reason than to get an idea of what those in opposition to you are thinking.
As for me, I agree with much of what is said, but not all. Some of the accusations and assertions are spurious at best, and it all has to be taken with a grain of comedic salt, but overall I think there's much to be found in the list that is worth considerting.
At the very least, I think everyone should see the entry for Number 4:

4. You

Silently enabling and contributing to the irreversible destruction of your
planet. Absolving yourself of your responsibility to do anything about it that
your immediate neighbors don’t. Assuming that it’s normal behavior to spend
several hours each day totally inert and staring into a cathode ray tube.
Substituting antidepressants for physical motion. Caring more about the personal
relationships of people you will never meet than your own. Shrugging your
shoulders at the knowledge that your government is populated by criminal liars
intent on fooling you into impoverished, helpless submission. Cheering this
process on.

Exhibit A: You don’t even know who your congressman is.

Sentence: Deathbed realization that your entire life was an unending series of stupid mistakes and wasted opportunities, a priceless gift of potential extravagantly squandered, for which you deserve nothing but scorn or, at best, indifference, and a cold, meaningless demise.

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