Monday, February 23, 2009


Taxes? Filed.
Hair? Cut.
Groceries? Shopped.
Chiropractor? Still needs to be cracked.
So out of the mere four things I intended to do with my day off I only accomplished three, but hey, 75% isn't too bad for me.
The reason I'm not at 100% is that when I finished getting my taxes done I forgot about going to my Chiropractor's office and headed off to get a haircut. Then I stopped to have lunch, as it was just a little before noon. When I sat down and ordered I remembered about the Chiropractor, and then remembered that the office hours are 9 to noon and 3 to 6.
At least I had a cute waitress. Not that it really mattered, but it's always a nice surprise, given that I usually end up getting a waiter even when the waitress:waiter ratio is 10:1.
After I'd finished eating and she came to take away my plate and utensils, she asked, "Can I get you anything else?"
I never considered actually saying it, but the cheesy line "Just your phone number" popped into my head. I then wondered if there are guys in the world who can successfully use cheesy lines like that. I concluded that there must be, but that there's no chance that I'm one of them.
After that I went grocery shopping, I forgot how nice it is to go grocery shopping in the early afternoon on a weekday.
I delightedly walked through the unobstructed aisles at a leisurely pace. It was awesome. Weekday shopping FTW.
I've considered the notion of heading out to the Chiropractor during the afternoon hours, but I'm already home and settled in, so I don't think that's going to happen. I'll probably swing by on my way home from work tomorrow.
Besides the fact that I'm settled in, it's cold out there. I mean, I'm accustomed to sub-zero temperatures, and we're well above zero here, but there is a vicious, cold, biting wind out there that I just don't feel like dealing with.
And, since I don't have to, I'm not going to.
As for my taxes, I'm getting a pretty substantial refund, though not as substantial as last year's.
Initically I couldn't figure out why that was. After all, while I did make more money last year than I did in the previous year I also paid out more in interest.
Or so I thought. Turns out I paid less. That didn't make sense to me when I actually thought about it. After all, in 2007 there were a few months in which I wasn't a homeowner and wasn't paying any interest, and my current mortgage is much bigger than the one on my condo.
Then I figured it out. On my house I only have one mortgage at a fixed rate. On my condo I had an 80/20 split, with the Home Equity Line of Credit being an adjustable rate. So I actually paid out a lot more in interest on the condo than I'm currently paying on the house.
I also had fewer before taxes deductions last year, as I put less into my Flex account, and it took a few months for them to straighten out my 401K, so I wasn't paying into that for the whole year.
Oh well. It's still a lot of money.
In any case, I need to turn this Monday into a Sunday, by which I mean I need to do the laundry.

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