Monday, December 10, 2007

Bird In Hand (Plus: Fangirls Attack!)

So the job that I don’t want is now officially the job that I have, as I went in and did all of the paperwork this morning.
I suppose I shouldn’t complain, but given that the status of the job that I do want is still up in the air, and said job is so much better than this one, it’s just kind of annoying, even though it is good to know that I will continue to have a regular income.
The job I took has a lot of drawbacks, though. There are no benefits, so that means no sick days, no vacation time, and no insurance – unless I elect to take the optional ridiculously expensive insurance benefits they offer.
I’ll actually be on the payroll of the contracting company and not the company that I’ll actually be working for.
The one good thing is that I’m not locked in, so if the job I want does materialize, I’m free to bail.
On the way back from signing the papers I swung up 28 and stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a few things, then gave Scott a call at work, since I was in the area, to see if he wanted to meet for lunch. I got his voicemail and decided that I’d just head back to Leesburg and do my grocery shopping.
And now I’m home.
A blog titled When Fangirls Attack has linked to my entry about fan service, so I’ve been getting a lot of hits from that. Unsurprisingly, no one seems to be sticking around, but I figured I should provide a link back anyway.
And that’s pretty much been my day.

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