Or does Jodie Foster, in this ad for her new movie....
...look an awful lot like the "Leave Britney Alone!" guy?
Coincidence? Yes, clearly. (For the record, I saw Jodie Foster on The Daily Show the other night and she was looking very good for 1. her age and 2. Jodie Foster.)
It is, by all accounts, a dude. The general consensus is that the whole thing is something of a put on, but even if that is the case it remains a pretty desperate cry for attention.
What in the mother fock is with this chick? Is that a dude? Professionalism? She needs to get a professional dentist. Crazy bitch
It is, by all accounts, a dude. The general consensus is that the whole thing is something of a put on, but even if that is the case it remains a pretty desperate cry for attention.
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