Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Christmas Morning Redux

Yesterday I mentioned the whole "Christmas Morning" effect of having my Internet acces back. Today I had another Christmas Morning feeling when I got home from my training in the form of the rest of my comics arriving:

Like any Christmas Morning, there was the inevitable letdown. In this case it was discovering that Milehigh had shipped me the worng Legion of Super-Heroes Annuals.
It's an understandable mistake. In 1984, what had been Legion of Super-Heroes became Tales of The Legion of Super-Heroes, and a new series that was sold only in comic book stores or via subscription was launced under the old title, Legion of Super-Heroes.
I had ordered the two Annuals published before 1984, #1 and #2, but what I got were the two Annuals published after 1984, which, confusingly enough, are also #1 and #2.
Not too big of a deal - it's not like I mind having them, but I did go back and re-order the ones I wanted, adding a note specifying which #1 and #2 I want.
I also found that in order to complete the epic Legion storyline The Great Darkness Saga, I needed one more issue, which Milehigh didn't have in stock (but did).
While I was in the training, I realized that I'd need to stop somewhere for food on the way home. I didn't want a burger or pizza, and realized that Chinese would be good.
I wanted a particular dish that isn't available at a lot of the Chinese places I've been to (Shredded Pork with Dry Bean Curd...good stuff). In fact, I only know of two places that have it on the menu.
One was there in Reston. The other was the Chinese place in the plaza across from my old apartment in Ashburn.
While the place in Reston was closer, since I was already in Reston, my memory of how to get there wasn't all that great, and the place in Ashburn actually involved going slightly less out of my way, as I could take the Greenway to Ashburn, then take Sycolin (a back road) straight home to Leesburg.
So I stopped in Ashburn, walked in, looked at the menu on the wall to find the menu number just in case (P14), and said, "I'll have a large Pork and Dry Bean Curd."
The crabby-looking young woman behind the counter (who had been busy doing something when I got there, then would mess with me by looking up like she was ready to take my order before going back to what she was doing) furrowed her brow and said, "We no have that."
I looked at P14 on the menu board on the wall behind her, looked at her, looked at P14, looked at her, and said, "Uhhhhh...what?"
When I pointed out that it was on the menu, she dismissively said, "That old menu."
One of the drawbacks to not going to the place in Reston had been that their version was much better than the place in Ashburn. Now I learned that Reston's was now even better simply because it still (as far as I know) exists.
So I settled on Beef with Broccoli and then made my way home, where my dinner disappointment was mollified by my delight in receiving my comics.
And that was pretty much my day in a nutshell: small disappointments mixed with small delights.
This weekend my mom will be auctioning off a bunch of stuff at her house (including the house; the auction service charges a lower fee than a realtor) in Twin Lakes. If, by some chance, you're going to be out that way, stop by and buy something. You can see the details of the auction here.
In any case, that'll do it for this entry.

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