Monday, July 09, 2007

New Chick Section

If you look over to the right you'll see that I've added a new section for Jack T. Chick Links, with links to various sites related to everyone's favorite fundamentalist propagandist.
There are a lot more Chick-related links that I could put there, but I find these to be the most useful, entertaining, and noteworthy, and most of the other links can be found on his Wikipedia page anyway.
However, here is one that's worth noting here, anyway: The Face of Chick?
The short film based on the Chick Tract Wounded Children that is part of the film Hot Chicks is available in two segments on YouTube, so I thought I should include those as well.
Here they are (slightly NSFW):

Part One

Part Two

Some of you may wonder why I'm so endlessly fascinated by Jack and his world, and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure.
I suppose it's in part that I find his work and worldview both profoundly silly and monumentally terrifying at the same time.
The narrow and naive simplicity of his theology is laughable, but the fact that he apparently believes it so completely and that there are so many others who believe as he does, many of whom make laws and hold positions of considerable authority in this country, is frightening.
Throw in the childlish art (except when done by "ghost artist" Fred Carter) and ridiculous plots of the Tracts themselves, and, much like with cheesy B-movies, I find myself powerless to resist, despite my better judgment.
Also, I do have to admire - to a very limited extent - his dedication, and the fact that, while it's not one I understand, he has been living his dream for decades.
His crazy, hateful, paranoid, and endlessly entertaining dream.
In any case, the links are there for you to use as you will.


Anonymous said...

Hey, neat post. I'm going to see the filmmaker who made "Wounded Children" tonight (going to a screening of "Decline Of Western Civilization" at his house.) I'll tell him about this! Cool. You should check out more of these films based on Chick Tracts over at Bye. Jim

Jon Maki said...

I've made my donation and am eagerly awaiting my DVD of the films.