So I got up early (7 AM) today to bring my car in to the shop.
I got there, filled out the little form for the loaner car, and waited.
And waited.
Turns out that the car that had been reserved for me had been misplaced somehow.
(They must use the same system I use – specifically designate a place to keep a given object, then never actually put it there.)
Coupled with the fact that one (of two) of the mechanics certified to do warranty work on Kias had called in sick, the absent loaner necessitated that I not drop my car off and instead wait until Monday to make another attempt.
Deciding not to go back to bed – even though I wanted to – when I got home, I stayed up and messed around with a couple of tutorials, then went to work on a picture that I thought was turning out really well, but which, I’ve decided after viewing again after being away from it for a while, really wasn’t.
In the afternoon I drove in to work for a training that was boring and has nothing to do with me, but was easy OT, and then headed to the comic shop to meet up with Scott.
It was a pricey trip, as I had two weeks’ worth of comics and decided to pick up the trades of Astonishing X-Men.
I still spent less than Scott, who picked up a hardcover copy of Stardust. He’s been trying to find some gateway drug comics that will draw Stacy in and hook her, such as the current (and excellent) comic based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is being done by Buffy creator Joss Whedon (who, BTW, also writes Astonishing X-Men) and serves as a continuation of the TV series (it’s even called Season Eight).
He thinks that Stardust will appeal to her (I think so as well). Or rather, more accurately, he hopes it will, as the $40 price tag will be much more palatable to her if she actually likes it.
For my part, I don’t have anyone at home who will yell at me if I spend too much, so I didn’t flinch at my total.
Besides, I’m practically made of money. Sure, very small amounts of money, but it’s enough to support the occasional spending spree at the comic shop.
For a variety of reasons I hadn’t eaten much for the day, so by the time I got to the comic shop I was starving, so Scott and I ate at the California Tortilla Factory and took the time to catch up.
And that was pretty much my day.
As I’m done deconstructing Revenge of the Nerds from a socio-sexual perspective, and haven’t the energy to provide a semiotic analysis of Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise, I guess that will do it for this entry.
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