Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ah, The Power And The Beauty Of the Maternal Instinct

From The Onion:

I Hope My Baby Doesn't Come Out All Fucked-Up And Shit

Though this is, of course, a parody news story, it actually reminded me of something in high school.
During my Junior year one of my classmates, a fairly nice girl, got pregnant.
Another classmate, who was not so nice (read: total bitch) was constantly running her down behind her back for being stupid and a slut, and whatnot.
At the start of our Senior year, providing a strong argument for the existence of karma, it was revealed that the not-so nice girl was pregnant herself.
In any case, during some class or other there was some discussion about infant mortality rates and birth defects, and I just remember the not-so nice girl turning and whispering to one of her friends in a heartwarming display of maternal concern, "I hope that shit don't happen to my kid."
By demonstrating that it has its finger on the pulse of the country, The Onion once again earns its title as "America's Finest News Source."

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