Thursday, April 13, 2006

We Eat Ham And Jam and Spam Alot

The other day at work we were talking about Easter and I said something about how the Easter Bunny never leaves me a basket.
Actually, I probably said something like "Screw the Easter Bunny."
In any case, to rectify the situation, Scott and Stacy presented me with a combination Birthday/Easter present:

If you look a little more closely you'll see the primary present inside, or at least an indication of what that present is.
In the history of theatre there's only been one musical I've ever had an interest in seeing, and now, thanks to Scott and Stacy, I'll get to see it this summer when it comes to DC.
The musical in question? Spamalot!
So that's cool.
At lunch Stacy asked, just as my dad had this morning when I talked to him on the phone, if I feel any older. The answer? Yes, actually, I do.
After lunch I gave Scott and Stacy (and the kids) the "grand tour" of my condo, making them the first people to ever see it now that I've fully settled in.
Once they left I went out into the world to fulfill my wild and crazy birthday plans: driving to Ashburn and gassing up at the Safeway, since it's the cheapest gas.
While there I went wild and bought myself some napkins and trash bags, as I've been needing both for a while.
Don't think that sounds wild? The napkins are blue and the trash bags are those fancy Glad Force Flex bags.
Who says I don't know how to party?
On the way back I stopped in at Best Buy and briefly - very briefly - considered buying a 32" LCD TV that was on sale for $800.
What I settled on was a new CD case for my car, as I've pretty much hated the old one since the moment I first put a CD into it. The new one has a higher capacity, and the little sleeves that hold the CDs won't be coming loose constantly.
All things considered it's been an okay birthday. Certainly not as soul-shatteringly depressing as some I've had.
Before Scott and Stacy arrived I heard Daniela, one of the sales people from my complex (Specifically the hot one, and consequently not the one I primarily dealt with, as the Universe frowns on that sort of thing and, when there's a male alternative to a hot chick will always foist the male on me) talking to some prospective buyers in the parking lot. I looked out the window and saw that she was looking extremely good in a skirt and heels.
A bit ago I was thinking about just how good she looked and how all I got was that brief glimpse, sighed, and thought, "Well, I guess that's the way it always goes; no one gets what he really wants for his birthday."
Still, I do want to say thanks again to Scott and Stacy for lunch (at least the people I know have enough sense to realize that on Thursday it has to be lunch), and to Brian (who said that he'd wanted to take me to Ruby Tuesday and make them sing "Happy Birthday" to me, but I'm sure that they still would have ignored me over there, even on my birthday) for joining us.

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