Monday, April 17, 2006

Breakfast Of...Well, NOT Champions, Obviously, But...

So it was another long weekend of whiling away the hours while not much of anything happened, punctuated by a brief visit by our boss on Friday who provided us with the world’s worst pep talk as he discussed – at length – the fact that our company is circling the drain.
Fun stuff, particularly for someone who just bought a freakin’ condo.
(This is made even more fun by the fact that I saw a notice from the management of the complex I live in encouraging renters to extend their leases, which indicates to me that sales are less than brisk)
In any case, in response to Sharon’s hopes, I did get something in my basket on Easter thanks to Stacy, who sent in chocolate bunnies for all of us.

Mine was called “Sunny.” I got that one because it matches my disposition.

Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up from an odd dream and decided that, for a change, I was actually going to turn on the light, grab my “dream journal,” and write something down before the dream totally faded from memory.
The first challenge was turning on the light, as the switch is on the cord, which fell behind the nightstand.
Next was figuring out what I could write quickly and concisely that would allow me to remember at least the more salient points of the dream.
Accomplishing that, I got up to answer nature’s call, got back into bed, and spent several minutes lying there trying to decide whether or not what I’d written down was sufficient to spark my memory once I woke up again in the morning.
Ultimately I decided that it wasn’t, so I got up, went over to the computer, fired up Word, and wrote up a more descriptive paragraph.
Of course, by the time I did that the idea was planted pretty firmly in my mind anyway, so I still remembered it after falling back to sleep and getting up.
The irritating thing is that, in the cold light of day – literally: the temperature dropped over thirty degrees overnight – the vital concepts that I had so diligently preserved from the dream really weren’t all that interesting.
Oh well.
Shortly after I got up my mom called. After talking to her I shaved and showered and prepared to head out into the world, as Scott, Brian, and I were meeting to catch an 11:30 matinee of Scary Movie 4.
It was actually pretty funny. I don’t really see much need to provide any sort of review, as you pretty much know what to expect if you’ve seen any of the other three (or really any Airplane style movie).
One thing I will say, though, is that we saw it in a theater equipped with a DLP system. The picture was amazingly sharp and bright.
From there I headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things, then made my way home.
It had been my intention to take care of all of the things I need to take care of for the week while I was out in the world, such as getting a haircut and grocery shopping, but while I was at Wal-Mart I decided that all I really wanted to do was go home.
And now I have to figure out what I’m going to do for dinner. Ideally it’ll be something a little more healthy than the breakfast of nachos and root beer I had at the theater…

1 comment:

Merlin T Wizard said...

That's nothing compared to my breakfast of buttered popcorn, peanut butter M&Ms, and a large lemonade!

"That's OK, I've taken balls to the face before."