Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Balcony Blog

I’m attempting to blog from my balcony, as it is a perfectly lovely day and I thought I should be doing something to take advantage of that fact and the fact that I have a decently-sized balcony.
Initially, I’d hoped to do some sketching.  Throughout my life I’ve never really been one to sit down and sketch the world around me.  As I’m taking a “back to basics” approach to trying to improve my artistic abilities, I thought that today would be a good day to give that sort of thing a shot.
So I grabbed the sketchbook and pencils and sat down to do some sketches of the blossoming tree.
It was at that point that I was reminded that the reason that I’ve never been one to sit down and sketch the world around me is that it’s boring and I’m not especially good at it (mostly because it’s boring).
Also, actually working with paper and pencil seems sort of alien at this point.
So Plan B was to grab the tablet PC and do today’s crossword puzzle.
Today’s puzzle was extremely easy, so that didn’t take long.
Thus, here I am blogging, though I don’t know how much longer I’ll be out here doing that.
After all, this thing is getting pretty hot on my lap, my plastic patio furniture is pretty uncomfortable (I still need to pick up a hammock), and there are these big, irritating bugs that keep buzzing around.  They’re sort of like bees, but aren’t.
So I guess I’ll just call the balcony thing a miss for today.

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