Thursday, March 23, 2006

Say Hello To Number 641

I just noticed that Threshold has a total of 640 posts (though now it's 641).
I'm not sure why that seemed significant to me when I noticed it, but it did.
In any case, I didn't get a chance to post a proper entry yesterday and I don't think I will today, either.
After all, once I get home from class today it won't be long until it's my ridiculously early bedtime.
I have one more day of class tomorrow, but in order to get in my full 32 hours of OT I'm going to get up, drive in to work for a couple of hours, drive back to HQ for the class, then finish out what's left of the day at work.
So I don't get to "sleep in" tomorrow.
Of course, I typically get more sleep when I'm getting up at 5 am than when I get up later anyway, as I don't go to bed as early.
In any case, that's it for entry 641.

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