I hate having to learn how to do command line stuff when the GUI has been around for over twenty years.
Sure, command line interfaces allow for more flexibility, more control, more blah blah blah, but they suck.
Why would I bother doing a mv command when I could just click and drag a file where I want it?
But whatever.
Two chicks in the class: both okay looking, one married, one single(?). (Update: not single)
Saw a tremendously hot chick at lunch, though, and the memory of her makes them look like...well, I'd rather not say.
Worst part of the class? There are a couple of guys here who are System Administrators, and yet they needed an explanation of what really happens to data when you delete it (for you non-technical people - and SAs, apparently - I'm talking about the fact that it isn't immediately erased, it's just that the section of the hard drive it occupies becomes available for use, allowing it to be overwritten).
Main thing I'm learning is what I already knew: Unix/Linux was devised by a bunch of nerds who don't think the way normal people do.
That's not to say that I think the way normal people do either, as, obviously, I don't, it's just that I'm more keenly aware than most of the distance between nerd thought and normal thought.
Going to hit the theater and catch V after class gets over; probably won't write more tonight.
Also, my apologies to those of you who have a subscription to Threshold (I was surprised and pleased to learn that there are three more of you than there had been), as Bloglet seems to be having some trouble communicating with Blogger, so you may not be getting your entries via e-mail. There's not really anything I can do about it I'm afraid.
Anyway, back to the "learning."
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