Monday, January 09, 2006

Awfully Convenient Inconveniences Or The Cat That Lost The Will To Live

On other occasions on which I didn’t have to be up early in the morning on payday I’ve discovered that my paycheck shows up in my bank account sometime shortly after 1 am.
Actually, what happens at 1 am is that my balance just shows a sudden increase, but the actual “activity” showing the specific deposit doesn’t show up until a bit after 3.
Still, seeing the balance increase is good enough to let me know how much my paycheck was.
In any case, the amount of this particular paycheck was especially significant to me because I had to write out a very large check in the morning.  The majority of that check was going to be covered by a loan I took from my 401(k) account (more on that in a bit), and I needed to be sure that my paycheck would be sufficient to cover the remainder.  The sooner I knew that, the better, as it would let me know if I had to try to get some additional money from a credit card, and I could then plan for the morning accordingly.
Of course, because it was important to me, this was the one time that my balance did not show the sudden increase after 1 am.
This obviously annoyed me a great deal, which only added to the existing annoyance I was feeling about the fact that my loan check had not arrived, so no matter how big my paycheck was, I was going to be writing a check in the morning that I couldn’t actually cover.
Coincidence can only go so far when it comes to explaining things like this.  As I said, on many occasions I’ve seen that my balance increased after 1 am, without fail.  The loan check had been mailed out almost a week earlier, so why did it take so long to arrive?  If there hadn’t been a pressing need for these things (bearing in mind that this was following on the delayed arrival of the “Paid” letter from that collection agency, which also took over a week to arrive), the check would have been here by Thursday, and my paycheck would have showed up in my bank account at 1 am.
I just don’t understand how these things manage to know when it is or isn’t important to me and how to act accordingly.
In any case, there was no danger of my check bouncing, as it would be days before it even got to the developer, and my loan check actually arrived on Friday.
Still, going to bed annoyed led to a less-than restful night’s sleep and I ended up waking up about four hours later (at which point my paycheck was showing up in my account and it was more than enough to cover the remainder), and I got maybe another hour of sleep before I had to get up.
(If I had been going in to work at the normal time and gone to bed at the normal time I would have gotten much more sleep.)
I mentioned the “Paid” letter.  On Thursday I had called the creditor and been assured by Tara that she would fax it to the mortgage company.
Turns out that Tara was a lying whore, as the mortgage guy hadn’t gotten the fax.
That arrived on Friday as well and I faxed it to him on Saturday morning.
Today, though I didn’t see the e-mail until after 5, he contacted me to let me know that I have to fax him new copies of all the crap I faxed him in the first place.
Last time that cost me $11 at the place across the street and I decided that I didn’t want to spend more money on faxing, so I waited until later in the evening and drove in to work to fax the stuff from there.
I went around to the back entrance and slipped in and out as quickly as possible so as to avoid seeing anyone I know and having to explain why I was there.  It’s not that it would have taken that long, or that I had anything to hide, but I just didn’t want to have to talk to anyone.
In any case, now I am closer than I’ve ever been to having a loan, or at least finding out if I’m getting one at all.
When I went over to the condo office to write the check on Friday I had hoped to be able to get in to see how the condo has progressed since I saw it last (when it was more or less gutted).
No such luck, though, as apparently now that it’s off the market getting in to look at it is more complicated.
Oh well.
As I pretty much always do, I arrived early on Friday morning, so I had to drive around to kill some time.  At one point I saw this thing in the road.  Not knowing what it was, I decided to swerve around it.  As I did so, I saw that what I thought was just some random pile of garbage was actually a cat.  A live cat, though I’m not sure that it was going to stay that way.  It calmly sat up as I was driving past, appearing totally unconcerned by the fact that it was in the middle of a busy street.  I can’t help but think that it looked like it had just given up and was waiting to get caught under somebody’s wheels.
After all, I suppose that even cats can get suicidally depressed.  Maybe it had a serious cat nip problem and had gotten itself into such deep kitty litter that it couldn’t see any other way out.
Or maybe it was just stupid.  It was a cat, after all.
I should mention that, despite my flippancy, and my dislike of cats (and allergy to cat dander), I’m not a heartless monster so it did occur to me that I should do something to get the cat safely out of the road, but I didn’t see what there was that I could do, so I just continued on my way and hoped that it made its way to safety.
It was a beautiful day here today, getting into the 60s by some accounts.  In January, you really can’t ask for more.
Anyway, that will about do it for this entry.

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