Thursday, December 29, 2005

I DO Know Jack

Today has been about as uneventful as it’s possible for a day to be.
I pretty much didn’t do anything today. I guess you coul say that I did jack…Jack T. Chick, that is!
Yes, as on most days when it’s rainy and cruddy out, making me want to avoid venturing out into the world even more than usual, and I’m stuck inside not feeling like doing much of anything, there are always Jack T. Chick tracts available for me to while away the hours reading.
Beyond reading the tracts themselves I read the various reviews people have written of them (such as at this site I discovered today, which pointed out a heretofore unnoticed connection between evil and wearing turtlenecks in Chick tracts), and there’s always some specific person or theory that Jack cites in his tracts that serve as fodder for Web searches, such as Kent Hovind (aka “Dr. Dino”), who has served as Jack’s science advisor, or reformed witch turned Demon Hunter Rebecca Brown, who, along with John Todd, apprised Jack of the all-too real dangers of witchcraft, and, of course, the “most godly man” Jack ever met, one Dr. Alberto Rivera, an alleged former Jesuit priest who turned his back on the evils of the Catholic church and let Jack know that Holy Mother Church is, in fact, the Whore of Babylon, and is responsible not only for the Spanish Inquisition (Which, according to Jack, not only does nobody expect, nobody even knows that it existed. Jack clearly is not a fan of Monty Python, or even Mel Brooks), but also the establishment of Islam, the founding of the Communist party and the resultant revolution in Russia, the establishment of the Nazi pary in Germany and the Holocaust, and, perhaps worst of all, the banning of Chick tracts from Christian bookstores.
Oddly enough, a cursory bit of research into the lives of these people show them to be a bit less godly (and credible) than Jack seems to think they are, but of course Jack is too busy cranking out tracts to bother verifying any of the claims these people make, and besides, given that they’re saying what he wants to hear, why would he doubt them?

(Sure, this guy supposedly just saved a homosexual from a life of sin, but it looks to me more like he’s actually out cruising rather than evangelizing. Maybe he’s one of those guys who got “Prayed Straight,” and therefore knows all about alternative lifestyles, making him more effective than most totally straight evangelists, but is “backsliding” into his former sinful ways now that he’s got a shot at some impressionable young meat. “Now that you’ve accepted Jesus as your personal savior, how about coming back to my place for a little ‘individual bible study?’ I’ll teach you all about the sinful practices they engaged in back in Sodom and Gomorrah.” )

In any case, I spent my day with Jack and now it’s nearly over, as tomorrow marks the start of another work week.
It had been my intention to write up a Threshold “Year in Review” entry, but laziness led me to decide that, since you all know what happened in 2005, since you were there, there’s no real need for it.
Ultimately, for me there was really only one defining event of 2005: my dad scaring the living crap out of me with the whole heart attack business.
He has, fortunately, recovered from that and is doing well, but those were a few scary and stressful days for me.
As for 2006, it occurs to me that I never actually bothered to pick up a new calendar, and I’m not sure if that means anything.
I would say probably not, but you never know. I’m hoping that it signifies the fact that in 2006 I’ll be settling into my newly-purchased condo, at which time I’ll have a new wall upon which to hang whatever calendar I eventually do buy.
We’ll see, I guess.
In any case, I will most likely have time to crank out a quck entry at work over the weekend, but in case I don’t, here’s hoping that the year comes to a happy conclusion for all of you and that the New Year lives up to its potential.

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