Wednesday, June 01, 2005

We May Not All Be Pretty But Here We Are

The character limits at Snapfish prevented me from placing a complete caption for the picture of my family. Here are their names and relationship to me:

Starting on the extreme left in the blue shirt is my brother Brad, slight behind him is my nephew Jacob (unhappy about having his picture taken) being held by his father (my brother-in-law) Dean; to his left is me; to my left and slightly in front of me is my sister Kristy; behind her is her husband Ken; to his left is my brother Stuart; to his left is his wife Shannon; in front of her is my niece Jourdan; to her right is my dad; to his right is my mom; the boy with the glasses behind her is my nephew Jeremy; to his right is Stuart's step-daughter Brittani; in front of her and to the right of my mom is my sister Kim (wife of Dean, mother of Jourdan, Jeremy, Jenni, and Jacob); in front of her is my niece Jenni; and finally we have my nephew Todd (Stuart and Shannon's son).

If you're wondering about birth order for me and my siblings, it's Kristy, Brad, Stuart, Kim, me.

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