Tuesday, May 10, 2005

If Only I Could Keep Deluding Myself...

So last night Kathleen called to give me a definitive “no” on going to see Sarah on Thursday.
Though I can’t imagine why she would, she asked “Do you know anyone else who could go with you?” I don’t know what she was thinking; she knows everyone I know in Virginia.
I did actually toy with the notion of just going by myself, but part of the reason that Kathleen’s not going is that Brian had to head to Tucson for family issues, which means that we’ll be short one person at work this weekend, which means that I’ll probably just cancel my time off request and go in to work on Friday.
*Sigh* Oh well.
I don’t mean to sound bitchy, or like I’m blaming Kathleen (though I do wish that she hadn’t mentioned the concert to me in the first place, since she didn’t know if she’d be able to attend), but this is just illustrative of why I try not to rely on other people, and why it’s so unfortunate that I have such a hang-up about going to things by myself.
Still, as I mentioned, even if I could get past said hang-up, now I feel like I have to go in to work on Friday, because I’m reliable.
Anyway, it’s not really that big of a deal. I’m sure that I’ll get another chance to see Sarah in concert, which will give her a chance to spot me in the audience, fall madly in love with me immediately, abandon her husband and child, and spend the rest of her life singing to me, and showering me with expensive gifts, and...well, we won't get into the rest of it.
And you know that’s what would have happened if I’d gone to the concert on Thursday...
Back in reality, concurrent with the UPS issues I had today, once again I ran into problems with my wireless network which took quite some time to resolve. Basically, as so often happens, one of my neighbors came home, turned on his or her wireless router, causing my connection to drop and utterly disappear from my computer’s view, leading my computer to try to log onto my neighbor’s network. Because the signal for that network is too weak, it fails to connect, but insists on trying and refuses to even see that my network is out there, even though my router is putting out a full signal as opposed to the single bar worth of signal the other router is putting out.
Sometimes my computer would fail to see my router even when I had the router’s antenna actually touching my wireless adapter, and if it did connect to the router under those circumstances, the connection would drop as soon as I moved the router.
Eventually I resolved the issue (so far, at least) by logging into the router and switching it to a different channel. Now my computer still lists my neighbor’s network as being available, but it’s remaining connected to mine.
I just don’t understand how a much weaker signal can interfere with my signal to such an extent. Are there any networking gurus out there who know a way to permanently resolve this issue?
I’m guessing that this isn’t an issue with the router, but with either Windows or the USB wireless adapter. I suppose I could try picking up a different wireless adapter, but to go the cheap route, is there a way to tell Windows to never even try to connect to other networks? If so, would that prevent it from dropping the connection to mine when the other router comes on?
The weird part is that most often when I lose the connection on my main computer, my secondary computer, which has the same OS and the same kind of wireless adapter, but is farther away from the router, manages to stay connected to my network. That’s the part that really baffles me.
Also, I do lose the connection several times in the course of a normal day, but usually only for a few seconds, as it’s able to automatically reconnect. It’s only like once a month that I run into the more extreme problems like today when it becomes almost impossible to keep the connection up.
Very annoying.
Last night I never managed to post another entry as I got caught up in a drawing.
As with anything I do, there were elements of it that I’m not happy with, but overall I think it turned out very well.
So where is it, you ask? Well, at this point I consider it “unfinished,” so I’m disinclined to share it with the general public, as it’s just one part of what will eventually be a larger image.
Scott has requested that I draw up a group picture of the characters from the D&D game he’s the Dungeon Master for. I did so once before, but apparently the players have created all new characters, so he wants a picture of the new group. He’s rounding up descriptions for me, but in the meantime Jamie provided me a description of her character, so I drew her last night.
When I get all the other descriptions and finish the group picture I will no doubt post it here.
In any case, since I now know there’s no reason to wait for the UPS guy, I think I’m going to go for a walk.

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