Monday, April 04, 2005

Two Very Sobering Articles

Two-thirds of world's resources 'used up'
The Man Who Saved the World Finally Recognized

As for the first article, I'm sure there are plenty of you that will dismiss it as liberal propaganda being spread by tree-hugging reactionaries.
And maybe it is. Odds are there may well be some exaggeration in there, but I think that it's difficult to ignore the basic truth of it...unless you only believe conservative propaganda spread by tree-hating reactionaries...
On the topic of propaganda, the second article makes me glad that not every Soviet was the bloodthirsty evil lunatic our government wanted us to believe they all were back during the Cold War. Why, from the looks of things they may have even been human.
It almost makes you wonder if....nah, that same reasoning couldn't possibly apply to Muslims....

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