If it hadn’t been for the fact that I had a dentist appointment a little after 10, and if it were easily possible for me to do such a thing, I probably would have been inclined to just sleep all day and straight through to tomorrow morning.
Honestly, I would have really wanted to sleep straight through to Monday morning (or at least Sunday night), but that would have been really stretching it.
Today just seemed like a waste, and I wasn’t really inclined to be awake for it.
Not that I’m in any rush to have to start my work week, but if I thought I could sleep straight through to morning I’d be willing to go to bed right now.
I’m not sure why I’ve been so averse to being awake today. It’s actually a very nice day, and given that it’s my last day before work, I should be inclined to take advantage of it.
And I have; I walked over six miles today.
But the whole time I was thinking that I’d rather be sleeping…
For not wanting to do anything but sleep, though, I did accomplish a fair amount.
Aside from the walking, as mentioned I went to the dentist and got another crown put in.
I’m done at the dentist until after I’ve seen the oral surgeon who’s going to pull my teeth. I have a “consultation” on the 25th, so I don’t know when the actual pulling will be done yet. After that I have to wait four weeks to allow my gums to heal, then make an appointment with the dentist to get my partial made. So it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to get that done before I head home for Jourdan’s graduation.
After the dentist I went to the store and picked up a few groceries. Then I came home, and in between walks, did the laundry and ate my early dinner.
And the whole time I was thinking about how much I’d rather be in bed sleeping.
I don’t know what the deal was, other than some kind of post-birthday blahs, or the fact that Thursday always feels like a waste. Given my early bedtime it’s such a short day, so no matter how much I accomplish in the time I have it always feels like there was so little time that I shouldn’t have even bothered doing anything.
Now it’s nearly over and I’m almost to the point that I can just finally call it a day.
I did a little more work on that picture I mentioned, but nothing substantial. I just wasn’t in the mood to mess with it.
I had set aside time (using my day planner) to either work on the picture or write, but once I got tired of drawing I didn’t switch over to writing, passing the time instead by engaging in my usual patented brand of nothing in particular.
And that was my day, a rather standard coda to a fairly typical and predictable week.
I hope you have a better weekend than I’m likely to, and I’ll see you all back here again on Monday.
Whats your passion dude? I was like that to just wanting to sleep I think they call it manic depression now, but what the hell do doctors know anyway. You need to find something that consumes you. You write well but if it boars you and you jsut kinda like it is not your passion. You need to go out there and find something that you can't wait to do, something you stay up all night doing. Then you won't want to sleep. Just my thoughts take them if you will
That's pretty much the question: what IS my passion?
So far I haven't been able to figure that one out, but I'm working on it...
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