Here we see my first attempt at rendering Monica Keena, the actress who was in "Freddy Vs. Jason," and who has been on my mind since I saw her in it.
I think it turned out okay, especially for a first attempt. I mean, it's not like with Britney, or Jessica Simpson, whom I could probably draw in my sleep at this point, since I've drawn them so many times.
Unfortunately there probably won't be too many more pictures of her that I'll draw, as source material is fairly limited.
There will be a couple, though. Somewhere along the line I'll also finish a Fontaine picture I started a couple of weeks ago, and I just stumbled across a really high-quality picture of Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke, so that's in the wings as well.
In any case, you'll have to forgive me for the horrible pun in the picture's title, which is "Bikeena."
See, her name is Keena, and she's wearing a bikini top, so...
Anyway, I'll be back later with more of an entry, but I thought I'd at least post this.
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