Monday, September 13, 2004

Lazy Monday

Well, my weekend is here once more, and I find myself being incredibly (and uncharacteristically, even for me) lazy.
Given the way I’ve lazed my way through the day, it’s fairly amazing that I’m making this much of an entry today.
I got up, after forcing myself to sleep in (I kept waking up, but flatly refused to get up) until nearly ten, had my usual Monday morning conversation with my mother, then sat around for a while.
Eventually I took a shower (though I didn’t shave), got dressed, and drove over to Wal Mart to pick up a few things.
After accomplishing that, I was supposed to come home and figure out what sort of meals I’m going to prepare this week.
Ordinarily, I cook during the week, getting one meal out of whatever I prepare on that particular day, then immediately freezing the remainder. These frozen leftovers then serve as my lunch for the weekend (and, in a pinch, as dinner during the week).
For a few weeks I had a very well-stocked freezer, which led me to be lazy about cooking last week.
The laziness took its toll, though, and I ended up only having enough food in my freezer for two days’ worth of lunch for the weekend.
And of course, now those are gone, so I have to begin the process of restocking.
Yes, life is a constant struggle.
The struggle, though, appears to be getting myself to accomplish the things I need to. Once I got home from Wal Mart, rather than figuring out what’s going to be on the menu, I took a nap.
The menu planning was supposed to be followed by some more Nagel work, a decent post for the blog, and some work on my latest story.
I am at least managing an entry of sorts, but I’m not holding out a lot of hope for the rest…

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