Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Just Can't Do It

I just can’t do it anymore.
My interest in the show Heroes has been dwindling ever since the second season, and it’s now officially gone into negative numbers.
I’m actually trying to watch an episode right now, and it’s painful.
With Brian Fuller returning to the show after the untimely and irritating demise of Pushing Daisies, I was going to try to hold on to see if there was any improvement, but my patience has reached its limit.
There were two things in this episode that served as the camel back-breaking straw: a lame, cliché joke about “a girl in a comic shop!” – made all the worse by the fact that people who work in the comic book industry are involved with the show – and Hiro’s whiny disappointment about not being the special one.
I’m not sure that I’m even going to finish watching this episode – and the fact that I’m writing this rather than actually paying attention to the show should tell you how engaged I am by it.
I’ll post a proper entry later.


Merlin T Wizard said...

It was pretty bad. But still, you've got to hang on for at least one or two Fuller episodes. If anyone can turn it around, he can. Besides, if/when he does turn it around and you're not watching, you'll have to get all caught up anyway. Might as well tough it out.

Jon Maki said...

I don't think that there's anything even Fuller can do to draw me back in. I hate every character on the show, I've come to hate the central premise of the show, and, quite frankly, I think the hour I'll gain by not watching it can be put to better use. Like watching more porn.

Merlin T Wizard said...

Yow! I didn't realize the hatred had reached so deeply. Someday, I hope you'll learn to love again.

Jon Maki said...

Perhaps with time, perhaps with time.
But I'll damn sure never love Heroes again.