Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I Should Probably Quit Hoping For That Harem Of Supermodels

This morning’s visit to the dentist was surprisingly brief. I didn’t have to wait at all when I got there, and fixing the missing filling took all of five minutes.
He decided to keep holding off on putting in a crown.
When I showed him the cracked plate he said he’d have to send it away to get it fixed, but that it could, potentially, be back by tomorrow evening, or the next day at the latest.
I figured that wasn’t so bad, even though it wasn’t what I wanted to hear, so I agreed. I didn’t really like the idea of being at work without my bottom plate, as all of my missing teeth on the bottom are much more apparent than the ones on the top, so I wasn’t looking forward to spending a few days at work as a toothless freak.
After looking at it more closely, though, he said, “You know, I think we can get away with just smoothing this out.”
That, as mentioned, was what I had been hoping would happen, so I was rather surprised by things working out that way.
Of course, that’s usually the only way that things I’m hoping for come true: when I’m hoping to avoid the worst-case scenario.
I mean, it’s seldom the case that something purely good (or completely awesome) that I’ve been hoping for happens. Invariably it’s, “Well, under the circumstances, that’s the best I could hope for.”
And, you know, whatever, I’ll take what I can get, but would it be so much to ask to have something that’s the best I could hope for, period, happen?
Don’t answer that; there’s no need.
Oh well.
On the topic of things I hoped for that didn’t come to pass, I was hoping that the weather would get nasty enough that work would close and I could just go home from the dentist’s office. Sadly, it did little more than drizzle for most of the day. Supposedly there will be some more icing up over the night, but I’m sure all that will mean is that people on the road tomorrow will become an order of magnitude dumber.
And that’s the best I can hope for.


Merlin T Wizard said...

And the prophecy is fulfilled! I was pretty disappointed in the lack of nasty weather, too. It was just ugly enough today to make the drive in miserable.

Jon Maki said...

Actually, the prophecy was slightly off: people on the road were two orders of magnitude dumber.