Sunday, November 30, 2008

Statistically Significant?

In my last post, I stated that the number of people who would be amused by it was statistically insignificant. However, I later learned that the number of people at least interested in looking at it actually was statistically significant:

Well, significant in terms of the statistics of people who come to my blog.
Yeah, my little blog that couldn't was featured on Reddit, and as a result had a fairly large influx of traffic, some of my biggest numbers ever.
Not that those numbers are especially big, mind you, but even so, it was odd to see that many people flocking here.
Of course, having a lot of people look at my blog also means having a lot of people quickly navigate away, as there's nothing particularly engaging that would keep them here (or get them to come back).
Still, it was fun while it lasted.
Honestly, having a lot of people come here doesn't really mean anything anyway; I don't have any ads, so there's no revenue that would come from it. I don't have any particular axe to grind, so it's not like I'm looking for like-minded fans or followers.
Nobody clicked on the link to Heroic Portraits, so it didn't drum up any business - and anyway, when people do go there, they look around, briefly, are unimpressed, and then leave.
Really, all that having a lot of traffic to Threshold would do for me is increase the likelihood of someone saying something insulting in the comments.
Actually, I'm almost disappointed that with all the people who came here, not one took the time to pop into the comments and say "your retarded" or "FAIL!" or something along those lines.
Ah well.
Anyway, the hits have stopped coming, and it's back to obscurity, which is probably just as well.
Not much of note going on today. I talked to my mom, did the laundry, and am about to eat dinner.


Merlin T Wizard said...

Your retarded what? "Your" is possessive, retard. FAIL!

Jon Maki said...

Well played, sir.