Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mirror, Mirror, Mirror, Mirror

I couldn't decide which version of this picture of Jennifer Connelly I liked better, the black and white (which is how I drew it), or the colorized version:

So I decided to put them together as one picture.
As an aside, I'm reasonably certain that the photo I used as the reference actually predates the World Wide Web. I remember seeing it on Usenet back in the mid-90s, and I'm pretty sure it was already a few years old. I imagine it was taken for some magazine profile sometime after The Rocketeer. If I were to look through all of my CDs of old pictures, I'm sure this one would turn up with the name and number of a BBS that someone downloaded it from somewhere in upper or lower corner.
Still, I saw it online the other day and decided, "I should draw that."
Of course, the version in my head looked a lot different from the end result, as I wasn't able to pull of the style I was shooting for.
Still, experimenting is good, as no matter what the result, we usually end up learning something.
Of course, what I usually end up learning is that I probably shouldn't bother trying anything new...

1 comment:

Merlin T Wizard said...

Good choice, all versions of Jennifer Connelly there are good.