Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow Day? More Like D'oh Day

It was snowing pretty heavily when I went to bed last night, and there was a winter storm warning in effect.
I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, looked out the window and saw that it had stopped snowing and there really hadn't been that much accumulation.
Sometime later I was vaguely aware of the wind rattling the windows.
When my alarm went off I got up, looked out and saw that quite a bit more snow had fallen and that it was still coming down pretty hard.
So I called the inclement weather hotline at work. Open as usual. *Sigh*
I gave it a few minutes and called again. Open as usual.
I considered my options. My street hadn't been plowed, and no one else had made any effort at moving, so no trail had been blazed.
Eventually I decided to call my boss to see if she'd be okay with me working from home. I got her voicemail.
After a while some intrepid soul blazed a trail on the street, and, since the hotline still said "Open as usual," and I hadn't heard back from my boss, I dusted off the car, started it up, showered, dressed, and made the slow, treacherous journey in to work.
By the time I got in, the hotline said we were on a two hour delay, and my boss had e-mailed everyone saying that she was working from home and encouraged the rest of us to do the same.
Today's message from Starro the Star Conqueror is "Should have waited, human!"

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