Monday, August 30, 2004

First post

Well, I've finally gotten around to creating a blog.
I've actually been meaning to do this for a while, but laziness has continually won out, and I've stuck to just "meaning to do it."
Until now, of course.
As for what this blog is going to be like, at this point I haven't a clue. I'm sure that as the spirit moves me I'll make random posts about the significant events that occur in my life, which may or may not serve as some sort of commentary on life in general.
I'm also likely to post some of my art from time to time.
If you want to know who I am, well, my name is Jon, I live in Northern Virginia, I work in an Internet-related field, I'm divorced, 32 years old, and I live alone.
Those are pretty much the basics, and I guess I'll fill in the rest as I go forward with this.
The reason "bifrosts-edge" is in the URL is related to my username, Heimdall.
In Norse mythology, Asgard, home of the Gods, was connected to Midgard (Earth) by a rainbow bridge named Bifrost. At Asgard's threshold, on the edge of Bifrost, stood Heimdall, Asgard's sentry.
While I don't exactly feel like I'm some sort of Divine nightwatchman, I do feel a sort of kinship with Heimdall. Heimdall is himself an Asgardian, and lives within its boundaries, but he's not really a part of life. His position separates him from his fellow gods. He's very much on the outside, though he is on the outside looking out. This separation is due, in part, by choice. However, given his nature, Heimdall didn't have much else in the way of choice. Heimdall's senses have an acuity that goes well beyond those of his fellow gods, making him the ideal choice for sentry. It was a job he was born for.
It's a tenuous metaphor at best, but while I choose to live my life set apart from my fellow humans, like Heimdall, my very nature seems to make it an obvious choice.
So there you go.