Monday, January 26, 2009

Don't Stop The MADness

Mark Evanier reports that MAD Magazine is scaling back production and cutting staff, and that the end may be near.
In recent years I've picked up copies of MAD that I found lying around - someone in the NOC at AOL had a subscription and would leave them in the break room - but it's probably been close to 25 years since I read it with any regularity.
I don't think there was any particular reason that I stopped reading MAD - though I suspect that money was an issue; comic book prices kept increasing so some things had to be dropped - and I'll always have fond memories of the magazine. After all, and this is probably incredibly revelatory to anyone interested in that sort of thing, my view of the world and of life, and certainly my sense of humor, were very much informed by MAD magazine.
Before the rise of the VCR, my access to movies was fairly limited, so the parodies that ran in MAD (and, to a lesser extent, in Cracked, and an even lesser extent in Crazy, which was published by Marvel) were often my only exposure to some of the more prominent movies.
So, even though I haven't been a regular reader for a very long time, I still think it would be a damn shame if the magazine went under.

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