Saturday, August 02, 2008

Not Up To The Creepy Loner Task

I was awoken sometime around 8 this morning by the sound of someone being kind enough to park his car outside my window and blast some Mexican music. Sadly, he didn’t stick around for more than a couple of minutes, and so I drifted back to sleep for about an hour, at which point my phone rang.
My Caller ID doesn’t always like to display the information for the call before I answer, so as I saw that the call was from “No Data,” I assumed that it wasn’t actually anyone calling for me, but decided to answer it anyway.
It was, of course, a call for the pharmacy that has a similar number to mine.
Still, since I was up, I decided that I might as well stay up, though I’m not really sure what led me to decide that.
I spent a significant amount of time sitting around doing nothing in particular before finally showering and getting dressed.
My company was holding its annual picnic this afternoon. As it would involve free food and was located in Leesburg, which meant not having to drive far to get to it, I decided to go.
I got there about an hour and a half after it started, which was about halfway through the food-serving period.
A quick scan of the crowd led me to come to two realizations:

1. No one I knew was there.
2. I was the only person there alone.

So I headed over to get some food, sat by myself at a table, ate, got some more food, ate, decided that I couldn’t take any more of the music (a mix of classic rock and country), or the DJ – I’m sure everyone who wasn’t me found his shtick funny and charming – and that I wasn’t up to the task of being the creepy loner, so I left.
And that was pretty much the day’s excitement.
I haven’t done much of anything since I got home, even there are multiple things I could/should be doing.
I suppose I should give doing some of those things a shot.

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