Monday, May 02, 2005

Wasted Day

When I worked in the call center in Tucson I used to hate wasting my days off.
That isn’t to say that I didn’t waste my days off, or even that I really had anything to do during those days off; I just hated wasting them.
That mostly manifested itself in trying to stay awake as much as possible, and that was largely because I tried to forestall having to return to work for as long as possible.
Of course, the advantage of having four days off is that wasting one of those days isn’t that big a deal (it also helps to not absolutely hate my job the way I did in Tucson).
So that’s what I did with today; I wasted it.
For the most part, anyway.
It wasn’t that I didn’t do anything at all, I just didn’t set out with the intention of accomplishing anything significant.
I got up, went for a walk, talked to my mom, took a nap, read a little, made dinner. That was pretty much it.
Over the weekend I bought a 250 GB external hard drive. At $160 it was a bargain that I couldn’t pass up.
That’s pretty much been the extent of the excitement over the past few days.
Earlier today when I was starting to make dinner my phone rang. Having already talked to my mother, the next likely suspect was Kathleen.
I was mistaken in that regard; I didn’t recognize the number, and the woman on the other end said something that I’m assuming was “Sorry, wrong number,” only it was in a language that I was utterly unfamiliar with.
Whatever she was saying, and whatever language she was saying it in, the woman sounded kind of angry, and she hung up before I could finish saying, “Excuse me?”
Later the phone rang again, and this time it actually was Kathleen, calling to tell me about her first day at her new job.
Among the highlights was the fact that she arrived to find that her office was basically empty: no computer, no phone, no chair.
Overall, it was a less than auspicious beginning, but sadly not unexpected given the way our company works.
Last night’s premiere of the new season of “Family Guy” left me breathless. I haven’t laughed that hard in a very long time.
In any case, I have some things sitting on the DVR’s hard drive that I should I watch, so I guess that’s it for now. Ideally I’ll have more to say tomorrow.

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